

Zusatzmittel für Betonwaren



MULTIMIX Plast has a fluidifying effect that has a positive effect on the compacting properties and increases the green strength. By means of considerable water savings early and final strengths are considerably increased. The resistance to frost and de-icing salt is increased by the water saving and compactibility.

In concrete, MULTIMIX Plast causes: - improved compacting capabilities on account of a fluidifying effect, which, with the accompanying considerable water savings, particularly increases the early strengths. - a positive effect on the resistance to frost and de-icing salt. - a lubricating effect on account of the increased homogeneity that improves the quality of the exposed concrete.

Application Area

  • To create mechanically produced, one-course and uncoloured concrete goods, like for example concrete paving blocks, pavement flags, restricting elements and palisades.
  • To produce early-strip and early-deliver concrete goods.

Sie erreichen uns telefonisch unter +49 9324 91990


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