Binder and admixtures for sand/cement screeds and lightweight screeds


Additives and post-treatment agents for cement screed

The products of the CONTOPP® product series have already been installed on more than 250 million m² of screed surface worldwide and offer the best solution for almost all screed problems thanks to innovative raw material combinations and technology. Using local cements and aggregates in combination with admixtures based on state-of-the-art technology, these screed systems ensure the highest performance properties in terms of processing, strength and drying behaviour.

Screed Accelerators RS

Reliable ready-to-lay from 4 days and real moisture protection

HD-Accelerator ULTIMATE

High-strength screeds up to CT-C40-F7 and ready-to-lay from 4 days

Screed Hardeners DUREMIT

High-strength cement screeds up to CT-C40-F7

Processing Aids SCREED MIX

for the easiest trowelling and smoothing

Curing aids

Protection and consolidation of screed surfaces

Protective equipment and care products

Protection and care of equipment

Admixtures for light weight screeds AEROCRETE

self-levelling insulation with accelerated drying

Fast setting cements XTRACEM

Special binders for high-speed and low-shrinkage screeds

Bonding Agents

Achieving optimum bond quality for laying bonded screeds

You can call us at +49 9324 91990

Consumption calculator

for KNOPP products

Please refer to the technical datasheet under DOWNLOADS for more information about handling and mixing ratios.